Anyway, since I reluctantly drank the kool-aid, I realized I was dead wrong. It's actually quite brilliant. Yes, you could still just bookmark these pages, but honestly, it's so much more interesting than that. You freakin' set up your boards (with whatever topics you like), search for friends, and get to pinning. Don't know how to? They have a tutorial for that! You start figuring out how to do things that you didn't even know you wanted to do! Wanna learn how to make your own air freshener? OK! Get rid of hard-water stains? SURE!
Right? I didn't know what I was missing.
Now that I'm in it…I'm in it. I love seeing my friends' pins, and being able to organize all of my pins in one spot. I've already completed a few of DIY projects (which is the main reason I joined in the first place…a friend told me it was a great source for inspiration) that I am going to share with you below. Pinterest is so successful because the platform is so easy to use (as is with Twitter, etc.) It's a cinch to pin and share useful webpages, even though it's slightly flawed in that if many people pin the same one, that's all that shows up for practically the whole page. Albeit it's free, awesome, and I love it. I feel all empowered when I put resourceful information to good use. I think I'm friggin' Rosie the Riveter thanks to becoming a seasoned pinner. (Pinterester? Whatev.)
Most importantly, I've saved a crapton of $$ dollars $$! Obviously, this got me all juiced, and I'm sure Thing 1 will chime in at some point since she always has something to say about saving money. Plus, she and her husband recently purchased an RV- so they are DIYing the shit out of it as we speak. Practically ALL via Pinterest inspiration. They started with the color scheme, and went from there.
I would never consider myself the artsy-fartsy type, but I'm definitely feeling more Monet these days. Check out this painting I did the other day via inspiration from this pin:

I love how this turned out! Not bad, right!? It was a repurposed canvas from one of those wine/canvas events. I hated how mine turned out so I did something about it!
I got lazy with the striping, but I just say it gives it character. BTW, Thoreau is a boss.
I did this with my Rolling Stone magazines, and also issues of National Culinary Review. I was a junior member for a bit and it's a really sick magazine if you're into food. (And who isn't, really?) The inspiration for this came from this pin. I have books for days, too…so the plan is to get them on the wall somehow since I have no room for a bookcase. I also have a hanger for sunglasses as the pin suggests!
I've also upcycled a crappy dresser, my headboard and footboard, and now I actually like looking at my room. It's pretty neat.
Dresser- pin
Headboard/Footboard - pin
I challenge you to go join Pinterest, if you haven't yet. I'll invite you, if you want. Save some money, do it your-damn-self! All it takes is a little elbow grease and a few materials, usually. And time, of course.
What have you pinned lately? Any DIY projects you're working on? Feel free to share in the comments!
pinterest is freaking awesome! I haven't actually done any of the DIY, i think it's cause I don't believe I can do any of em lol even the easy stuffs buuuut you just inspired me. I really like the stuff you've made, it looks awesome. I'm sure aside from it looking great it's also a happy feeling to know YOu made it yanno. badass.
ReplyDeleteI'm adding both of you to my pinterest - follow me at /3twentysix
It's really fun, huh? I'm about to make my own febreze and something to get the hard water stains off my shower! lol
DeleteYou can do it!!!!! Most of the stuff just takes a little time and patience.
Thank you :)
Wow you really took the bull by the horns! I love pinterest but have only tried 1 thing from it so far and that was a recipe. I followed both of you and I'm at if you want to follow me back.
ReplyDeleteOne suggestion for both of you, fill out your profile and include a link to your blog, you will get new visitors that way!
I tried, lol. It's really fun to see what people do and come up with…sometimes I'm skeptical that people just throw up pins to see who they can screw with lol I made nutella cookies from pinterest and they weren't my favorite. Definitely need work! But maybe I'll come up with my own recipe to share. And pin it!
DeleteI added the link! Thanks for the tip!